A comprehensive first aid course can be a crucial aspect in promoting community safety, as it equips
individuals with the knowledge and skills to react to medical emergencies with the utmost confidence.
article will dive into the importance of first aid education and how first aid competencies benefit the
community as a whole - with a special consideration of the comprehensive first aid courses offered at
Why First Aid Education Matters
An individual's ability to effectively respond to medical emergencies on the scene can make a critical
difference in saving someone's life. Research suggests that 43% of UK adults have never learnt CPR, more
importantly, 85% of adults in the UK have little to no first aid competencies to apply in the field.
figures are staggering, as it is representative of a much larger problem - communities are incapacitated
with little to no emergency first aid support.
By empowering yourself with the knowledge of first aid training, you can become a hero within your very
It Provides Comfort
Not all injuries or illnesses that occur are life-threatening, however, timely first aid response in
heat of a medical emergency can provide much-needed comfort to those in distress. Moreover, feeling
and more collected during a medical emergency can help greatly reduce panic, and subsequently
symptomatology, which may reduce the risk of an individual's respective experience of injury.
It Prevents Greater Injury
Quick and effective first aid response is important in that it can greatly reduce eventual injury
For example, a first aid course can equip individuals with the knowledge on how to stabilise
fractures or
treat wounds, while professional medical help is on its way. That being said, promptly responding to
injury can help reduce eventual healing and recovery time as you have minimised the risk of greater
It Boosts Confidence
One of the greatest interpersonal skills one can gain from doing a first aid course, is
First aid training teaches you how to remain calm and composed in stressful medical situations. That
said, the confidence gained extends further than the medical context, as the confidence gained from
aid training is transferable to daily life.
It Promotes Healthy Living
First aid education also strongly emphasises the importance of personal safety and healthy living.
Individuals will learn more in-depth about different risk factors and mitigation strategies, which
empower individuals to live healthier lives and contribute to the safety of their very own
EMCARE's First Aid Overview
Below we look to highlight the expertly crafted first aid training programs offered at EMCARE:
Basic First Aid / First Aid Refresher Course (FAR)
The Basic First Aid / First Aid Refresher Course (FAR) is an entry-level program which focuses on
the most
essential first aid skills, such as CPR, treating burns, fractures and wounds, and managing
Moreover, the FAR first aid course is highly popular within schools and community organisations, as
it is
the most basic, yet necessary, of the first aid courses.
Typically completed over one day, this first aid course includes principles of emergency care and
unconsciousness and fainting, head and spinal injuries, and choking, to name a few. That being said,
the FAR
course covers a general, but comprehensive, introduction to first aid training.
First Aid Level 1 Course (FA1)
This first tier first aid course is the foundation to a comprehensive emergency care education. This
equips individuals with the skills and confidence to perform basic first aid in certain medical
such as CPR and choking, under the tutelage of registered health care professionals.
The FA1 can be completed over two days and maintains its validity for up to three years. With
training and practical simulations, individuals reap the full benefit of a dual-learning program,
taking advantage of the combined benefits of theory and practice. By completing the FA1 first aid
individuals will be better equipped to handle more complex emergencies with unwavering confidence.
First Aid Level 2 Course (FA2)
Through the further enrichment of one's first aid training, the next step would be the First Aid
Level 2
Course (FA2). Building on the skills of FA1, this course equips individuals with the competencies to
manage more complex or distressing medical emergencies. This course includes training in two-rescuer
management of severe wounds, and response to environmental emergencies.
One can expect to complete this course over three days, with a certificate validity for up to three
This course is especially advantageous to those living or working closely in high-risk environments
simply looking to enrich their first aid competencies. With a strong emphasis on critical decision
and comprehensive patient care strategies, this course ensures you are never left underprepared.
First Aid Level 3 Course (FA3)
This first aid course is designed for those individuals looking to maximise their first aid training
become expert first aid responders within their communities. That being said, this first aid course
particularly advantageous to security personnel, educators, or any individuals who can be expected
interact with a lot of people on a daily basis. The basis of this course prepares the individual for
niche or specialised scenarios, such as emergency childbirth, advanced trauma management, and
This first aid course can be completed over four days and hold its validity for up to three years.
Individuals can expect to learn skills and the confidence to clinically lead any emergency
through their newly gained competencies and confidence.
First Aid Course: Making A Difference With EMCARE
Each of these EMCARE first aid courses not only imparts vital medical skills and interpersonal skills
helps foster community-wide commitment to safety and support. By training individuals across various
professional sectors, we establish a diverse network of medical first responders, always readily
to manage the medical emergency at hand.
EMCARE's focus is developing highly specialised first responders to safeguard and promote the well-being
our greater community. Join us in this journey, as we strive to build a more resilient community through
world-class first aid training.