Safety Officer Course: The Role Of A Safety Officer In Aviation

Safety Officer Course: The Role Of A Safety Officer In Aviation

A safety officer course is a fundamental part of supervisors' required training in transportation and aviation services. A safety officer in aviation is responsible for not only the health and safety of the work environment but also for passengers. They must ensure the airline is adhering to the stipulated and approved procedures and that all aspects of legality and safety have been taken into account. It is essential that they are qualified as they shoulder the responsibility of health and safety operations, risk assessment and management. EMCARE offers an extensive safety officer course that prepares safety officers in aviation for their roles. In this article, we discuss our safety officer course and how it equips you for your role in aviation. We look at the skills, duties, qualifications and expectations and match those with the modules taught in our course. This will give you an indication of why EMCARE is the best choice for you.


EMCARE is a training academy that has been operating in the health and safety industry for over 21 years. We offer 100 accredited courses that include all major Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) courses as well as first responder courses. These include first aid training and firefighting in addition to our safety officer course. all courses are accredited by the local accreditation bodies which include; the Department of Labour, LGSETA, HWSETA, and the Department of Mineral Resources. Consequently, we offer high-quality legal compliance training. This ensures we consistently meet the high standard required by these accreditation bodies. Additionally, our facilitators and instructors all possess a higher qualification and a minimum of 1000 hours of work experience. We have national branches in all major cities across the country. With our experience, accreditations, qualifications and accessibility, we are the ideal choice for your training needs.

Safety Officer Course

EMCARE’s safety officer course is a two-week course that covers the following modules:

  • Basic principles of SHE REP
  • Legislation
  • Occupational Health
  • Risk Assessment (HIRA)
  • Contractor Safety Management
  • Technical Safety
  • Environmental Management
  • Management Systems
  • Accident Incident Investigation
  • Health and safety file implementation
  • OHAS Act

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These modules offer both practical and theoretical opportunities to learn about the health and safety industry. Additionally, it will assist you in adhering to management compliance with South African legislation in the workplace. The safety officer course also trains you on first aid, basic firefighting and hazardous material handling - all of which are relevant precautions to know in the aviation industry.

Modules can be completed individually, then the modules are all completed and you will be granted access to the final exam. This is an online assessment with case studies. The course is completed upon a pass of the assessment. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of validity. Individual course modules are valid for 2 years. The complete course has no expiration when registered with the South African Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (SAIOSH).

If you would like to learn why our safety officer course is more specifically useful in the variation industry, keep reading below.

Safety Officers In Aviation

Safety officers in aviation are responsible for planning, supervising and any corrective action. They ensure proper protocols and guidelines are being followed and that all documentation is correct. Our safety officer course is beneficial in this regard as it goes into detail on safety management. The safety management module equips safety officers with knowledge of general safety procedures, safety policies, legal implications and safety analyses. All theoretical knowledge an aviation officer needs is taught in our course. Aviation safety officers will use this knowledge to carry out checks on airline crew members and cabin staff, assess pilots' logbooks, and assist in reviewing operators' emergency evacuation.

When it comes to practical training, aviation safety officers are often involved in maintenance and air traffic control. The technical safety modules taught in EMCARE's safety officer course prepare aviation safety officers with knowledge of equipment, working with tools and ensuring that occupational hygiene is taken into account with ergonomics.

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Finally, when it comes to any risk assessments or corrective actions in the case of injuries, aviation safety officers need to know the proper procedures. By knowing how to conduct risk assessment aviation safety officers can develop policies for aviation operations that comply with regulations. If an accident occurs, they can recommend corrective action to prevent any future injuries. In EMCARE's accident incident investigation module, you can be prepared for these expectations and responsibilities.

Holistically, aviation safety officers are better equipped with a safety officer course qualification as it allows them to perform their duties to the best of their ability with accurate and appropriate policies, risk assessments and emergency response planning. By having qualified aviation safety officers accidents can be avoided and employees can work in safer environments. If you are interested in aviation or are currently in a supervisor role - get in touch with EMCARE and get started with your safety officer journey.

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Get In touch

EMCARE provides an invaluable service to the health and safety industry. Our safety officer course equips supervisors in aviation with the necessary skills to create a safe working environment, and safe flight for passengers. With the certification upon completion of the course, you can rest assured that your skillset is accredited and valued by the appropriate bodies. If you would like to learn more about our safety officer course, inquire about a quote or ask any queries - you can fill out a form on our website. We look forward to taking you to new heights and helping you soar.

Accreditation & Affiliates


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