Health and Safety Course: Health and Safety in South African Forestry Industry

Health and Safety Course: Health and Safety in South African Forestry Industry

Over 40 million ha of South Africa is covered by forest resources, with an estimated 1,27 million ha being afforested area. The forestry sector contributes immensely to South Africa’s GDP and provides numerous direct and indirect employment opportunities. The loggers…

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Working at Heights Course: The Importance of Safety When Working From Heights

Working at Heights Course: The Importance of Safety When Working From Heights

From construction to firefighting to electrical, numerous industries require employees to work at heights to get a job done. Despite the commonality of working from heights, there are numerous health and safety dangers involved in this job position. To demonstrate…

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Stay Safe in Every Workplace with EMCARE Health and Safety Course

Stay Safe in Every Workplace with EMCARE Health and Safety Course

All You Need to Know About Our Health and Safety Course in Accident Incident Investigation Even in workplaces where every safety measure is taken to prevent accidents or injuries, these events can still occur. What is important in these situations is having an employee with the ability to accurately investigate, report, and alter the current safety measures to avoid the…

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Become a Professional Safety Officer with EMCARE Safety Officer Course

Become a Professional Safety Officer with EMCARE Safety Officer Course

All You Need to Know About Our Safety Officer Course Pursuing a career as a safety officer can be daunting as you will be in charge of ensuring the health and safety of every employee and visitor in a workplace. In this guide to the EMCARE Safety Officer Course, you will have a thorough understanding of what the course entails and the key responsibilities of being a…

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Pursue a Health and Safety Career with EMCARE Occupational Health and Safety Courses

Pursue a Health and Safety Career with EMCARE Occupational Health and Safety Courses

Occupational Health and Safety Courses: Occupational Health and Safety Careers The occupational health and safety field offers a wide variety of career opportunities. From health and safety representatives to safety officers to occupational health and safety specialists, you can easily find a career that will suit your interests. The need for health and safety in every…

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Benefit Your Career or Business with EMCARE Health and Safety Training

Benefit Your Career or Business with EMCARE Health and Safety Training

Jobs that Require Health and Safety Training Having a qualification in health and safety training can be beneficial to every job. If you are specifically planning to pursue a job as an occupational health and safety specialist, an industrial hygienist, a wellness specialist, or an environmental protection officer, these jobs require that you have health and safety training.…

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Confidently Handle Medical Emergencies with EMCARE First Aid Training

Confidently Handle Medical Emergencies with EMCARE First Aid Training

Ensure the Safety of Those Around You Through EMCARE's First Aid Training A fallen employee who has fractured their arm, a child choking on a sweet, or a friend fainting at a party can spiral into an emergency if no one can help the person who is in pain or injured. Learn the skills you need to act quickly and confidently in a medical emergency to keep your friends,…

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Protect Yourself From Harm with EMCARE Firefighting Course

Protect Yourself From Harm with EMCARE Firefighting Course

Prevent Fire-related Injuries with an EMCARE Firefighting Course Injuries caused by a household or workplace fire can be a traumatising experience. Fires can cause burn injuries which range in severity from first degree to fourth degree, with the risk of the injured person going into anaphylactic shock increasing with each degree. Respiratory injuries from smoke inhalation…

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Prevent Fire Emergencies with EMCARE Fire Fighting Training

Prevent Fire Emergencies with EMCARE Fire Fighting Training

Avoid Emergencies with EMCARE's Fire Fighting Training A fire outbreak can quickly turn into an emergency and place your family, friends, or employees at risk of injuries or death. If the fire emergency is left uncontrolled, everyone will be panicking, reacting rather than acting, and possibly exacerbating the emergency by placing themselves in more danger. EMCARE's Fire…

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Resist Wildfires With EMCARE's Fire Fighting Training

Resist Wildfires With EMCARE's Fire Fighting Training

South Africa Is Prone To The Outbreak Of Wildfires South Africa is known for its vulnerability to wildfires. The national climate has dry seasons in Summer and Winter, as well as abundant natural vegetation with sufficient fuel to ignite sparks under the right …

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