Protect Yourself From Harm with EMCARE Firefighting Course

Protect Yourself From Harm with EMCARE Firefighting Course
  1. Prevent Fire-related Injuries with an EMCARE Firefighting Course

    Injuries caused by a household or workplace fire can be a traumatising experience. Fires can cause burn injuries which range in severity from first degree to fourth degree, with the risk of the injured person going into anaphylactic shock increasing with each degree. Respiratory injuries from smoke inhalation are also common fire-related injuries. You can reduce your risk of fire-related injuries by learning fire preventative measures and how to act safely in a fire emergency in the EMCARE Firefighting Course. Read more

  2. Firefighting Course: How to Help During and After a House Fire

    With the high prevalence of household fires in South Africa, understanding how to act during and after a house fire is critical. This guide outlines the exact steps to take while your neighbour's house is on fire, and additional short-term and long-term tips on how to assist your neighbour through this horrific experience. EMCARE Firefighting Course will equip you with all the necessary knowledge and skills to handle a house fire proactively and safely. Read more

  3. EMCARE's Firefighting Course Teaches You How to Handle Hazardous Materials

    Hazardous materials are present in our daily lives and often the risks involved with these materials are unnoticed. Many hazardous materials are flammable and can quickly lead to a conflagration if the hazardous material fire is not handled immediately and correctly. As a firefighter in training, understanding how to handle fires caused by hazardous materials is essential. The EMCARE Firefighting Course offers hazardous material awareness, management, and fire prevention skills to ensure that you are equipped to handle any situation with hazardous materials safely. Read more

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