EMCARE December Article Summaries

EMCARE December Article Summaries
  1. Learning About Emergency Evacuations in Health and Safety Training

    The actions taken in the first few minutes of a workplace emergency can be the difference between life or death for employees. Being prepared for any type of emergency that can affect your workplace is critical to ensuring employee safety. This article briefly outlines emergency plans and preparedness, possible workplace emergencies, and the different procedures for handling a workplace emergency. EMCARE health and safety training courses cover the importance of emergency evacuations and provide practical guidance on how to create a suitable emergency evacuation plan for your workplace, how to train your employees for a workplace emergency, and how to ensure safety during an emergency evacuation. Read more

  2. Resist Wildfires with EMCARE’s Fire Fighting Training

    South African communities and ecosystems constantly face the threat of wildfires. Wildfires are caused by both natural and man-made causes, with far-reaching effects that include infrastructure and habitat destruction, job loss, food insecurity, and death. The impact of climate change is increasing the severity and consistency of wildfires in South Africa and across the globe, requiring an increase in volunteers with fire fighting training. EMCARE’s fire fighting training will provide you with the skills and knowledge to protect your community and ecosystems from the destruction of wildfires. Read more

  3. Working at Heights Course: The Importance of Safety When Working from Heights

    Many industries require employees to perform work at heights, which means that many employees are at risk of the hazards posed by working at heights. Fragile surfaces, inadequate use of personal protective equipment, and falling objects can all potentially result in injury or death for employees who work at heights. This article highlights the important steps you can take to reduce the safety risks for employees who work at heights, with correct training being the most important. EMCARE’s working at heights course provides training for employees to work at heights safely. Read more

  4. Health and Safety Course: Health and Safety in South African Forestry Industry

    The forestry sector is a major contributor to the South African GDP and provides ample employment opportunities for communities. The forestry sector is also a space that exposes forestry workers to multiple hazards and risks, including injuries caused by falling trees, chainsaw accidents, uneven terrain, and forest fires. EMCARE offers professional health and safety courses that will ensure the health and safety of forestry workers through expert training. Read more

  5. Safety Officer Course: Why Safety is Important at Concerts and Festivals

    Worldwide, there have been many tragic events at music concerts and festivals that have resulted in injury or death. This article focuses specifically on the unfortunate injuries and deaths that occurred at the Astroworld 21 and Woodstock 99 music festivals. Negligence regarding safety in the event planning, insufficient supply of staff with safety officer training at the events, and overcrowded events which overwhelm the present medical staff are the main culprits behind these tragic events. EMCARE’s safety officer course provides you with the confidence to keep yourself and others protected from injury or tragedy when an emergency occurs at a concert, festival, and in other crowded situations. Read more

  6. Health and Safety Training: Its Importance at Music Concerts Part 2

    EMCARE aims to emphasise the importance of health and safety at music festivals with this additional article on music concerts and the safety hazards related to large-scale gatherings. The overcrowding at the Love Parade EDM Concert in Germany and the fire at the República Cromañónare rock club in Argentina are a few of the international examples of music concerts where poor safety planning resulted in devastating deaths and injuries. Following safety protocols in the planning and set-up of music concerts is essential for crowd safety. EMCARE offers health and safety training courses that are accredited and offered by experts to ensure that you are equipped to keep yourself and others safe in an emergency at a large-scale gathering. Read more

  7. Learning About Behavioural Emergencies During First Aid Training

    A behavioural emergency, or psychiatric emergency, emerges when an individual or group behaves in an out-of-control way that poses a risk to themselves or others. Agitation, unpredictability, and volatile behaviour are the characterising symptoms of a behavioural emergency, which need to be immediately recognised and handled. This article highlights the potential causes for a behavioural emergency and the importance of accurately dealing with this emergency to reduce the safety risks to the affected individual and others. EMCARE’s first aid training level 3 course will equip you with practical and theoretical knowledge to safely handle a behavioural emergency. Read more

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