First Aid Training at a Leading Training Academy

First Aid Training at a Leading Training Academy

Becoming a fire fighter is one of the most incredible ways to serve society and to ensure that your occupation is a meaningful one. Before you embark on fire fighting training, you may ponder what it entails, what is needed from you and how safe will you be, including the uniform…

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First Aid Training: The Basics of CPR and Defibrillation

First Aid Training: The Basics of CPR and Defibrillation

No one hopes to be in a situation where either they or someone around them is left unconscious as a result of any variety of near-fatal health complications or external accidents. However, it may be safe to say that most people, if…

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First Aid Training For Your Family

First Aid Training For Your Family

It is a horrific experience when you are faced with a family member who has been badly injured, is choking, or has broken a bone. Not knowing what to do in this situation can result in stress and panic, which can then exacerbate the severity of the…

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Learning about behavioural emergencies during first aid training

Learning about behavioural emergencies during first aid training

Behavioural emergencies, also known as psychiatric emergencies or behavioural crises, takes place when an individual, or group's, behaviour is out of control to the point where they pose danger to those around them. In this situation, the individual or group affected must be treated quickly to avoid…

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Confidently Handle Medical Emergencies with EMCARE First Aid Training

Confidently Handle Medical Emergencies with EMCARE First Aid Training

Ensure the Safety of Those Around You Through EMCARE's First Aid Training A fallen employee who has fractured their arm, a child choking on a sweet, or a friend fainting at a party can spiral into an emergency if no one can help the person who is in pain or injured. Learn the skills you need to act quickly and confidently in a medical emergency to keep your friends,…

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EMCARE' First Aid Training For Sports and Recreational Events

EMCARE' First Aid Training For Sports and Recreational Events

As restrictions in South Africa loosen and December promises warmer weather, we are seeing bigger and better events being hosted more regularly. Every weekend, there's a sports event, a Christmas party, a concert or a market of sorts offering citizens a chance to relax, rejuvenate and enjoy the heat of the South…

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Common Injuries That Can Be Taken Care of with EMCARE's First Aid Training

Common Injuries That Can Be Taken Care of with EMCARE's First Aid Training

We are going to help you learn the ins and outs of first aid training, which we make available to you in the form of 4 emergency and medical courses: Basic First Aid, First Aid Level 1, First Aid Level 2 and First Aid Level 3. In these courses, EMCARE professionals…

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Ensure the Safety of Those Around You through EmCare’s First Aid Training

Ensure the Safety of Those Around You through EmCare’s First Aid Training

We've all been placed in a position where someone close to us, whether it be a family member or a friend, gets themselves hurt. It is in our nature as humans to help and protect those that we care about the most, but without the necessary knowledge that is required to help those shortly after an…

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Learning about emergency childbirth during our first aid training level 3 course

Learning about emergency childbirth during our first aid training level 3 course

Every day in South Africa, around 3 431 live births take place, and some of these births will not take place inside a hospital or even with the assistance of a midwife or healthcare professional. Emergency childbirths can happen at any place, at any time, and one can only hope that there will be someone around to make sure that both the mother and child endure the process safely.  Taking…

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Participating in first aid training to help you succeed in your childcare-oriented career

Participating in first aid training to help you succeed in your childcare-oriented career

Are you interested in pursuing a career that involves childcare or supervision? In many cases, these types of jobs are inaccessible should applicants have no formal first aid training or relative experience. A lack in the former can result in you being excluded from some worthwhile and rewarding job positions. But do not fear, at Emcare, we offer an extensive range of first aid training courses…

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HIV/AIDS and First Aid Training for the Workplace

HIV/AIDS and First Aid Training for the Workplace

Human immunodeficiency virus / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is prevalent in South Africa's working-age group. An estimated 18.7% of adults between 15-49 years old are HIV positive which makes HIV/AIDS awareness a top concern for the workplace. Emcare offers an HIV/AIDS awareness course that will benefit employees with…

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Learn about allergies and allergic reactions with first aid training

Learn about allergies and allergic reactions with first aid training

It is highly unlikely that you will go through life without meeting someone who suffers from a dangerous allergy, and most severe allergies are food related, insect bite related or to do with drugs. Often, without fast reactions and quick treatment, these allergic reactions can be life-threatening. At Emcare, we provide cutting-edge first aid training which addresses allergic…

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Head injuries in first aid training

Head injuries in first aid training

When you begin first aid training at Emcare, a leading training academy in South Africa with a range of training courses available, you will also learn about head injuries, how they occur, and what possible treatment options are available. Head injuries are fairly common and have occurred both on and off the sports fields for centuries, but only in the last 20 years or so…

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